Managing and Editing the Table of Contents & Section Titles

How do I edit section titles?

Double click the title. Doing this will open the title as an editable text box.

How do I delete a section?

To remove an entire section, hover over it in the table of contents and click on the "x." The other sections will be renumbered accordingly.

If I delete a section, will the other sections be numbered in the correct sequence?

Yes. To recap, deleting a section is accomplished by clicking the (x) which appears to the left of the title when hovering over it. Clicking the (x) will delete the section, and all other sections will re-number accordingly.

Can I add a new section?

Not currently, but we are considering this for a future upgrade.

Can I re-order the sections?

Not currently, but we are considering this for a future upgrade. In the meantime, there’s a workaround. Simply do the following:

  1. Copy and paste the entire contents of the booklet into a Word document or similar text editor. Be sure to make a note in the doc of which text goes to which sections.
  2. Within the booklet editor, edit the section titles so they appear in the order of your choosing.
  3. Re-paste the text portions from your document to the appropriate sections in the booklet editor.
What do the blue icons next to section titles indicate?

Blue icons indicate that you have made edits to that section.

What do the red icons next to section titles indicate?

Red icons indicate that an edit is required by you within that section. Hover over the icon to read the instructions. When you scroll down to the section, the place(s) where you need to make an edit will be in red text.

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