Where can I view performance metrics for booklets I've run Facebook ads to?
Unfortunately, we don't provide in-depth analytics on landing page performance directly within our content platform. However, you have a powerful tool at your disposal to track how your booklets are performing when you drive traffic to them from social media ads.
Gain insights into your booklet campaign's success
Simply utilize the ad manager platform provided by the social network you're advertising on. For example, if you're running Facebook or Instagram ads, you'll want to head over to Meta's Ads Manager. Their ad manager offers robust analytics that allow you to track a variety of metrics, including:
- How many times your ad was shown to target audience
- How many times people clicked on your ad
- The percentage of people who saw your ad and clicked on it
- How many people took a desired action (e.g., filled out a form, made a purchase) after clicking your ad
- How much you're paying for each click on your ad
- And much more!
You'll find that most social media platforms offer similar ad tracking capabilities.
- X (formerly Twitter): Conversion tracking and website clicks
- Pinterest: Pinterest Tag for conversion tracking
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn Insight Tag for website conversions
The Key: Adding Tracking Pixels
To make the most of these analytics, it's crucial to add the respective social network's tracking pixel to your booklet's landing page. This small snippet of code allows the platform to track user behavior and attribute conversions to your ads. Don't worry, it's usually a simple copy-and-paste process!
- Important Note: For more information on adding tracking pixels to your booklet landing pages, please refer to our documentation on "Do booklet landing pages support tracking pixels?"
Need Help? We're Here for You!
We understand that navigating the world of social media advertising and analytics can be a bit overwhelming. If you encounter any issues setting up tracking or have questions about customizing your booklets to optimize performance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at helpdesk@lightersideofrealestate.com.