Do you offer RSS feed functionality?

No, we don't provide RSS feed functionality. RSS feeds are inherently open-ended, which means that if a member cancels their subscription and is no longer licensed to use our content, the RSS feed  will still remain active perpetually on their site which our terms prohibit.

What's in development:

  • Enhanced Design & Customization Tools for Best Real Estate Blog: We are working on expanding the customization options for our member blog sites. Our goal is to provide agents, who already have established web presence, more flexibility to match the look and feel of their existing branding. This will create a more seamless experience for visitors who navigate to their blog website when linked to from their main website.
  • A WordPress Plugin for Automatic Article Publishing: We are developing a custom plugin for WordPress websites that will streamline the process of displaying a feed of our articles in your website blog section. This plugin will automate the embedding process and eliminate the need to purchase additional featured image licenses. 

Please note that there may be an extra fee associated if our team is needed to set up and configuring this plugin, depending on the complexity of your website. Once this plugin is fully developed and tested, we plan to create similar plugins for other popular website platforms like Wix and Squarespace, as well as web platforms that large brokerages offer their agents.

We hope this information has been helpful. If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at

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